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Guest Post Contribution at Search Engine Mogul

Want To Contribute As A Guest Author?

You’re welcome! We’re always looking for informative and useful content of the search industry that can enrich our readers knowledge on online search world. We are interested in publishing posts about online marketing strategies that are written for Digital marketers, Analysts, and Business persons.

Categories of Content We are Interested to Accept

Presently, we’re accepting content that comes under the following categories:

  • SEO: SEO or Search Engine Optimization category content should primarily target to SEOs or online marketers who are concern about search engine rankings ups and downs, algorithms and updates, latest SEO techniques. In short, every prospect that deals with Web and Mobile SEO for different industries.
  • Paid Search Marketing: This category intends to publish content for PPC guys, digital marketers or search engine advertisers who can have guidance and insights that needed to get succeed in search marketing competition that deals with matters like PPC (Pay Per Click Or Calls), CPC (Cost Per Clicks), CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impression) and every other factor that deals with search engine paid marketing .
  • Web Analytics: Contents that provides guides about understanding web analytics and data. How-tos, tips and tricks that will help the web analysts or site owners to get the most out of their Analytics tools about their website data.
  • Social Media: Content for this category intends to provide in-depth insights, guidance, and tricks for succeeding in Social Media activities on various social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram or any social network that might be undiscovered by social media marketers and business organizations.
  • Content: This category intends to provide guidance for content writers and marketers about content optimization and marketing etiquettes. We would love to publish views and advice of content leaders.

Types of Content We Expect from Contributors

Contribution Content Types

We accept contributors from all types of industries and backgrounds who would love to contribute the following types of contents to get published on Search Engine Mogul:

  • Tips and Tricks: Proven tips and tricks on SEO, Paid Search Marketing, Web Analytics, Social Media and Content which can benefit the digital marketers or online business owners.
  • How-tos: Detailed and step by step How-to guides on various online marketing actions that can help the Digital Marketing community across the globe.
  • Case Studies: We would love to publish online marketing real case studies from various industries.
  • Strategic Advice: If you like to share strategic advice that has helped you out to perform better in the online industry, we will love to publish.

Our Free Guest Content Publishing Guidelines

Guest Posting Publishing Guidelines Image

Before you pitch us for free guest posting contribution please go through our guest posting guidelines below.

  1. Content must be well written in English without any grammatical errors, it should be detailed and unique.
  2. Content must be non promotional.
  3. Content should be of 1000+ words & informative. No flat content. Neither thin content
  4. Title should be catchy and within 60 characters.
  5. Meta description should be relevant and within 160 characters.
  6. We do not allow keyword stuffing in content.
  7. We don’t allow link stuffing in content. We neither allow irrelevant, affiliate, spammy nor promotional/sales page links in the body of the content.
  8. Don’t use any hate, threat or obscene language about any person or any organization in the content.
  9. Enrich the content with relevant images(charts and graphs)/videos/podcasts with appropriate credit to the original source or owner. Make sure you’ve the permission to use them.
  10. Your content should have a featured image for which you have a copyright license. For image dimensions and size ideas check our posts.
  11. You need to provide original headshot for Author including author bio. You can include your G+ profile, Twitter handle, Facebook Profile and LinkedIn profile links in Author bio section.
  12. If your content get published, gets the entire copyright of the content and if you want to republish the content you need to take our permission and mention the original source as published post URL.
  13. We do not accept press releases.
  14. Please do not send us contents like List of Premium Tools..

Are You Looking To Publish Sponsored Content? Or, Need Our Writers To Write Content For You? Then Contact Us Via Contact Us Page.

To Pitch for Free Guest Post Contribution Fill Out The Below Given Form: 

Once our editors review your proposal and reply you back, you need to send the content in a MS or Open Office Word Document or in Google Doc. It can take several weeks to publish your Guest Post in after review.

    If you click the Send button below, we'll assume that you've read and agreed to this site's Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions.